February 18, 2025 8:49 pm

Property Entrepreneurs in West Java Prepare Strategies to Face Recession

A number of entrepreneurs in the property and investment sector are preparing strategies to deal with the threat of a recession that is expected to occur in 2023. The strategy carried out later is expected to minimize the risk of losses that will be received by the company.
President Director of Medal Cahaya Buana Arta (MCBA) M Khoirul Fatullah said he would remain optimistic that the company would run smoothly even though the threat of a recession is expected to occur in 2023. A number of strategies have been prepared to anticipate this.

“Very optimistic,” he said after receiving an award at the Award Mastermind 5.0 For Scale Up in Bandung City at Pullman Hotel on Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung City on Friday, October 21, 2022 evening.
Khoirul also claimed to have seven core businesses. “The core businesses include property, investment finance and others,” he said accompanied by PT Medal Semesta Indonesia Bangkit Managing Director Eri Prananto. MCBA Legal Director Rebecca Suryati Siregar said there needs to be a lot of coordination with related agencies. Including working with these agencies. “We are also developing various other businesses such as health, education and food security programs throughout Indonesia,” he said.

Legal Director of Medal Memayu Laksana Cipta Jhony Hutabarat said that he has prepared a number of strategies to minimize the impact of the recession.
“When talking about business in the future, there will be a recession, which means that we have to dare (take) risks. If you don’t take risks, the business won’t work, the important thing is how to minimize it,” he said.

He said that his party continues to monitor projects undertaken by holding companies so that they are realized and completed quickly. In addition, his party strives so that the impact of the recession is not too great felt by the company.
“Hopefully, the first MCBA target is threatened by the crisis, now we are making ways to anticipate so that the impact is not so great,” he said.